Get Modern Sales is a Fabric, Furniture and Design industry focused sales company. Over the last 11 years we have established a vast network of Manufacturer, Designer, Sales Chain and Media contacts that we fully engage to expand our clients and partnership brands.
Our purpose is to find products that we love and sell them. Our goal is to sell products that meet our moral compass and bring them to market.
GMS has chosen brands, HempWood® and Nine6 Design as a first focus. GMS will add more companies as we grow. We are open to adding more lines as a Sale Rep or as a product development and sales partnerships.
HempWood® we are functioning as a Factory Rep.
Nine6 Design /Lion Wood Powderworks we are acting in a manufacturing and sales partnership. GMS and Nine6 are developing finished goods lines with a focus on HempWood and powder coated steel.
Get Modern Sales is also working to develop its own product lines for sale through a multilayered infrastructure of sales and white label programs. The focus of these lines will primarily be Hemp associated. We may be reaching out to you to become part of our supply chain or manufacturing sources.
If you would like to talk more about Get Modern Sales, about one of our product lines or how we can work together please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards,
Ed Glazier
Get Modern Sales
Ed Glazier
985 South Duke Street
York, PA 17403
717 683 5743